The first mobilty with students takes place in Lioni, in the south of Italy.

Students and teachers from Italy, Turkey, Estonia and Spain meet in Lioni to develop the project in cooperative way, which will definitely enrich the final outcome.

Monday, 25th October 2021

In the morning the headmaster welcomed the partners at school.The Italian students offered us a nice cup of coffee and all the participants were introduced.

We went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch. We could taste local dishes and get to know eah other. After lunch we went back school where some students showed a presentation about Lioni and Italy and teachers met to discuss the programme and the schedule. 

Tuesday, 26th October 2021

Teachers and students met at the auditorium. Then we watched a refugee interview filmed at IES BATALLA DE CLAVIJO. This activity meant to raise awareness of the main issue of the project. 

Then the students started to work in international groups on the questions to ask the refugees who were coming to shool in the afternoon. 

At 11.30 we were welcomed by the Mayor and the Italian students prepared a guided tour to show the city of Lioni. After lunch we started preparing the recording session. 

We welcomed the refugees who introduced themselves at the auditorium. When everything was ready, the recording started. Two Italian students interviewed them with the questions all the students had been working on in the morning. 
The refugees explained their life story and also their future expetations. It was an exciting and moving experience. 

Wednesday, 27th October

At 8.00 am we left Lioni to visit the amazing ruins of Pompeii. We explored this Roman city with a guide who explained the most interesting facts and curiosities of this archeologial site. 

Thursday, 28th October

In the morning we met at the auditorium and visited the different buildings at Luigi Vanvitelli shool. In the afternoon we took a walk to the Tibetan bridge near Lioni. 


Friday, 29th October

The teachers met in order to evaluate the work done during the week and the students recorded videos talking about their Erasmus experience.The participants were given the certificate. After lunch we said bye to this rewarding experience.
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